The Creative Mind: Why some people simply love writing and designing

Image of digital artist using a tablet to create an image on screen. The designer is wearing a black beanie hat, white rimmed glasses and a black t-shirt. One hand is reaching toward his keyboard. What is he going to type?

Great ideas for website content can come to us at anytime. Make a note while they’re still fresh in your mind. They can easily be forgotten!

Creative people tend to approach everything differently. It’s because we’ve trained our minds to think differently. It’s also because we’ve overcome the fear of public failure.

We see ‘mistakes’ as steps towards better solutions, and we don’t stop until we achieve them. It’s what makes us tick and helps to keep the world turning. And it’s been this way since the first tool was invented and the first cave wall was painted upon.

If you want a fresh perspective on your business, branding, seek out someone with a background in the creative industry. You may be suprised at the improvements that they suggest, that no one else has considered yet or realised was possible.

Like entrepreneurs and inventors, creative people avidly search for new ways of doing things and expressing ideas. According to a recent article by The 8 Percent, it’s in our DNA.

Wait what? If creativity is in our DNA does that mean that we are born brilliant and can conjur up creative masterpieces in our sleep?

Unfortunately not. Well, while great ideas may come to us in our sleep, becomming a creative genius rarely happens over night. It still requires hard work, patience and the opportunity to work with great businesses and individuals.

That said, we all have moments when we experience sparks of creative genius. Ideas come to us. The answers to problems pop into our heads. Some call this our intuition, others call it the working of our subconscious minds.

When we suspend or distract our rational minds for long enough, new ideas can come to light.

Sparks of genius often happen when our minds are at rest, or focussed upon completely unrelated activities. Newton’s famous apple fell on his head while he was sleeping under a tree.

Imagine yourself as a courageous risk-taker and fearless inventor. When your mind is alive with ideas and visions, your spirit feels bold and fearless.

This is how the creative part of our brain works. It enjoys having problems that need to be solved. It can also spot a great idea when it sees or hears one.

This is where the idea for Creative Insights came from. While sitting in the car park of Southend Hospital, waiting to begin thirty-eight sessions of radiotherapy.

I wanted to find a way to give something back, in return for the help that I was being given to help me to get better.

I started looking for problems that could be solved for businesses and website owners.

While rewriting the content for’s website, it became apparent that even though a website is mobile responsive, it doesn’t automatically mean that they also looked great when viewed on a mobile phone screen.

It was a problem waiting to be solved.

In the right hands, every website has the potential to be elevated into a small-screen showstopper. is standing by, and ready to help.


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